Third criterium: The geographical town term

In Geography it isn't possible to giva an unique, generally valid definition of the term "town", which would contain all aspects with, but it can be limited to some substantial points of the teachings of HEINEBERG (2001) und LICHTENBERGER (1998).

The town in the geographical sense is a settlement with special functional, socialgeographical and physiognomical features. It is a continuing aggregation of humans and human dwellings, which cover a substantial area and are situated in the center of larger traffic routes:
  1. high housing density
  2. highly multistoried buildings
  3. but: center-periphery gradient
  4. high living and working place density
  5. highly weighting of traffic
  6. Towns are characterized by a special population structure. Above average particles of one-person households and small families with only one child are well-known as features of towns.

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